Friday, 16 August 2013


When Uganda emerged from its turbulent period of dictatorship and civil war, the country banished its sectarian, centralized governance system of the 1980s and embarked on a decentralized governance approach that allows local communities to manage their own affairs.

Local governments are responsible for providing key public services including health, education, water, and agricultural services. However, many local authorities lack the financial and technical expertise necessary to deliver fundamental social services. Central government allocations to local governments—which represent up to 70% of local government core budget—largely cover staff salaries. Donor contributions are generally earmarked for special purposes, such as malaria prevention programs to compliment available local resources.

 The SDS Programme is supporting  Kamwenge among the 35 districts to address service delivery gaps by developing multiyear District Management Improvement Plans (DMIPs). A DMIP highlights key social sector gaps, interventions, and targets to be achieved by a local government yearly. DMIPs assist local governments to go beyond mere compliance with central government budgetary and planning frameworks by emphasizing outcome-based programmatic planning and innovative approaches to addressing service delivery challenges. They also suggest interventions to address management and leadership-related gaps affecting social services delivery.

Districts drive the DMIP development process. Political leaders and technical staff engage with USAID District-Based Technical Assistance (DBTA) projects and Implementing Partners active in their districts to agree on service delivery priorities and develop strategic interventions for the next three years. They explore funding sources and pool their individual budgets to achieve common goals. SDS will assist districts to implement DMIPs through grants and technical assistance with a focus on nine program areas: coordination, governance and leadership, human resources management, planning and budgeting, financial management, accounting and audit, procurement, performance management, and monitoring and evaluation. The plans will also be supported by resources from other USAID implementing partners, non-USG donors, and the district’s own resources.

 Using this coordinated and collaborative planning approach, districts will develop and implement plans, improve technical skills, enhance coordination, and deliver more quality social services to their communities. Each of the 35 SDS partner districts has developed its own DMIP and uses its interventions to receive management improvement grants.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


couples assemble at chutch
Over 205 couples have been wedded in  Kamwenge  District. The function that took place on 4th/08/2013 from Kamwenge Catholic Parish turned out to be amarvoulours ones.
The couples were ordained by Bishop Robert Muhiirwa Akiiki and the parish priest Mr David Byamuka.The function was sponsored by members from St Peters Cou Kampala  who donated free wedding gowns for men and women and the catholic community
It was such a colourful event as we saw different couples of different class  and origin being sworn in according to marriage demands.
The Wedded couples were advised to be faithful to each other and to seek for Gods guidance in everything they will be doing.

The Guest Of Honor Was The Minister For Presidency  Mr Frank Tumwebaze And his wife  who presided the function with a thanks giving ceremony

The function ended at 5:00pm as the wedded couples parted ways happily to their matrimonial homes for more celebrations.


Monday, 12 August 2013


king oyo posing for a photo with the church leaders at kyabenda secondary school

 It was such a blessed morning of Wednesday 31st July.2013 when the King Of Tooro Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi The Fourth paid a visit to his subject the people Of Kamwenge District.the king arrived at around 11:00am and was first welcomed by the students of kyabenda secondary school and staff members, in addition he was welcomed by Mr Kamasaka Robert The District Lcv Chairman, Mrs  Beatrice Akello Okori Resident District Commissioner, Mr Kichoncho Tibs District Police Commander and  members of the District Executive Committee while being   escorted by the royal guards and the kingdom ministers it was such a peaceful event at the kyabenda school premises, as students from the neighboring school entertained the guest with traditional dance and drama activities.

After there the king visited the Tooro Kingdom Offices, Padre Opio Health Unit And St Anthony Day And Boarding School For The Disabled after that he also visited Kitagwenda Sub county amongst its sub regions he was welcomed by Kitonzi Primary school a school with over 1000 pupils and administration staff who had gathered together waiting for his Majesty King Of Tooro.

Then the king made a final tour at mahyoro landing site a lot of people heard gathered eagerly at the lake it was such a marvelous treat that he reached at the landing site at around 8:00pm in the evening as people were dancing and rejoicing for the fair treat he made to the people.
of all the places he visited he advised the people more especially the youth to protect themselves against HIV and assured them that the 19th empango ceremony that will take place in September 13th 2013 will be made for the youth, the king planting a tree in each area he visited which marked a historical event in Kamwenge District as people parted ways happily as the king   with his subject travelled to the chairman LCV’s home of residence for a sum up dinner.