Thursday, 14 November 2013


Kamwenge District Local Government having received thirteen motorcycles for use in Naads program implementation. it was therefore time to the deliver them to the responsible persons. The function that took place on Thursday 14th/NOV/2013 .At 10:00 and was graced occasionally.kamwenge district having 15 sub counties and one town council therefore 13 sub counties received the motorcycles
LCV chairman and the DNC addressing the S/C naads cordinators


Each sub county has received a motorcycle apart from Mahyoro And Nkoma which already have.

Yamaha monocycles with registration UDX number plate have a fully parked Toolbox, Helmet, Two Keys, an operational manual and photocopy of the logbook and delivered to S/C NAADS coordinators for effective delivery of extension services to farmers in the Sub counties meanwhile the monocycles have to be used in line with the provisions of the memorandum of understanding signed by the district for the implementation of NAADS programme.
LCV chairman handing over to a sub county chief
In his words the RDC cautioned the S/c NAADS coordinators to use the monocycles for the purpose there intended to be used for and to ensure proper maintenance of them.
He wished them success in using the motorcycles.


Monday, 4 November 2013


kabuga primary school
After the essay, poem, art and painting competition that was conducted by RIC-NET between the months of June and August 2013 in Kamwenge district it was the time to reward every school that participated in this region.

a pupil from kanara primary receives her certificate
Every school that participated received results and certificates. Participants were rewarded certificates of participation and copies of the education magazines that showcased work of the best performers in the Rwenzori region. In Kamwenge district the RICNET e-society center staff visited three schools (Kabuga, Kanara and Ntara Christian primary schools in the two sub counties of Kibale and Kitagwenda.

Below are the photos for the visited schools

h/teacher ntara cgristrian reading out some of the education magazines that were delivered to him

kanara primary pupils in a happy and jovial mood


The meeting took place on Wednesday 23rd October.2013 at the district headquarters in the Deputy CAO’s office. Members who were present was the RIC-NET staffs headed by the Programmes Manager, Systems Administrator, Video Documentations Officer and the Center ICT Officer among others. On the part of the District, there was the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Finance Officer, District Speaker and also the District Executive Committee Member. The main concern of the meeting was to draw the road map of E-centres operations starting January 2014

And to discuss about the sustainability of the E-society resource center which is a community District ICT hub apoint that is used by citizens to access, share and disseminate information on local governance and service delivery using ICTs.

This HIVOS-EU funded "enhancing civic competence for social accountability" project that was set up on the 17th September 2012 under public private partnership strategy in Kamwenge district given its objectives of building resident capacity to disseminate information through the use of online resources, given the fact that every project is time bound, it was therefore important to note and lay strategies for the continued operation of this project that ends on 31st December 2013.The two parties embarked on seeing ways on how the center will be sustained.

PAS MR bahemuka levy

The Chief Administrative Officer said that the District is in the process of not only sustaining the center but rather this extending ICT facility and make it a department of its own and the District will recruit an ICT office r looking forward the budget estimates required to run the center for the year 2014 which totaled up to eleven million, eight hundred thousand (11,800,000). The two parties also embarked on how the budget is going to be cost shared as the District staffs committed to take up some items within the budget like monthly internet subscription and antivirus amounting to 2,300,000/= while RIC-NET committed to website hosting and updating as discussions went on Kamwenge.

D'speaker Gerald twebaze

 The District speaker Hon: Gerald Twebaze, promised to have further discussions in the council meetings for approval.

Friday, 16 August 2013


When Uganda emerged from its turbulent period of dictatorship and civil war, the country banished its sectarian, centralized governance system of the 1980s and embarked on a decentralized governance approach that allows local communities to manage their own affairs.

Local governments are responsible for providing key public services including health, education, water, and agricultural services. However, many local authorities lack the financial and technical expertise necessary to deliver fundamental social services. Central government allocations to local governments—which represent up to 70% of local government core budget—largely cover staff salaries. Donor contributions are generally earmarked for special purposes, such as malaria prevention programs to compliment available local resources.

 The SDS Programme is supporting  Kamwenge among the 35 districts to address service delivery gaps by developing multiyear District Management Improvement Plans (DMIPs). A DMIP highlights key social sector gaps, interventions, and targets to be achieved by a local government yearly. DMIPs assist local governments to go beyond mere compliance with central government budgetary and planning frameworks by emphasizing outcome-based programmatic planning and innovative approaches to addressing service delivery challenges. They also suggest interventions to address management and leadership-related gaps affecting social services delivery.

Districts drive the DMIP development process. Political leaders and technical staff engage with USAID District-Based Technical Assistance (DBTA) projects and Implementing Partners active in their districts to agree on service delivery priorities and develop strategic interventions for the next three years. They explore funding sources and pool their individual budgets to achieve common goals. SDS will assist districts to implement DMIPs through grants and technical assistance with a focus on nine program areas: coordination, governance and leadership, human resources management, planning and budgeting, financial management, accounting and audit, procurement, performance management, and monitoring and evaluation. The plans will also be supported by resources from other USAID implementing partners, non-USG donors, and the district’s own resources.

 Using this coordinated and collaborative planning approach, districts will develop and implement plans, improve technical skills, enhance coordination, and deliver more quality social services to their communities. Each of the 35 SDS partner districts has developed its own DMIP and uses its interventions to receive management improvement grants.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013


couples assemble at chutch
Over 205 couples have been wedded in  Kamwenge  District. The function that took place on 4th/08/2013 from Kamwenge Catholic Parish turned out to be amarvoulours ones.
The couples were ordained by Bishop Robert Muhiirwa Akiiki and the parish priest Mr David Byamuka.The function was sponsored by members from St Peters Cou Kampala  who donated free wedding gowns for men and women and the catholic community
It was such a colourful event as we saw different couples of different class  and origin being sworn in according to marriage demands.
The Wedded couples were advised to be faithful to each other and to seek for Gods guidance in everything they will be doing.

The Guest Of Honor Was The Minister For Presidency  Mr Frank Tumwebaze And his wife  who presided the function with a thanks giving ceremony

The function ended at 5:00pm as the wedded couples parted ways happily to their matrimonial homes for more celebrations.


Monday, 12 August 2013


king oyo posing for a photo with the church leaders at kyabenda secondary school

 It was such a blessed morning of Wednesday 31st July.2013 when the King Of Tooro Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi The Fourth paid a visit to his subject the people Of Kamwenge District.the king arrived at around 11:00am and was first welcomed by the students of kyabenda secondary school and staff members, in addition he was welcomed by Mr Kamasaka Robert The District Lcv Chairman, Mrs  Beatrice Akello Okori Resident District Commissioner, Mr Kichoncho Tibs District Police Commander and  members of the District Executive Committee while being   escorted by the royal guards and the kingdom ministers it was such a peaceful event at the kyabenda school premises, as students from the neighboring school entertained the guest with traditional dance and drama activities.

After there the king visited the Tooro Kingdom Offices, Padre Opio Health Unit And St Anthony Day And Boarding School For The Disabled after that he also visited Kitagwenda Sub county amongst its sub regions he was welcomed by Kitonzi Primary school a school with over 1000 pupils and administration staff who had gathered together waiting for his Majesty King Of Tooro.

Then the king made a final tour at mahyoro landing site a lot of people heard gathered eagerly at the lake it was such a marvelous treat that he reached at the landing site at around 8:00pm in the evening as people were dancing and rejoicing for the fair treat he made to the people.
of all the places he visited he advised the people more especially the youth to protect themselves against HIV and assured them that the 19th empango ceremony that will take place in September 13th 2013 will be made for the youth, the king planting a tree in each area he visited which marked a historical event in Kamwenge District as people parted ways happily as the king   with his subject travelled to the chairman LCV’s home of residence for a sum up dinner.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


The minister of ethics & integrity has ordered for the arrest of Kamwenge town council mayor & NRM District chairman Geofrey Byamukama for stealing railway slippers using a government vehicle & illegaly morgaging a government building which was later sold to Minister Frank Tumwebaze. Mayor has been hiding for 6 months. Frank Tumwebaze has withdrawn interest from the building, kamwenge town council... engineer MR muganzi Apollo also has been arrested for corruption charges, several officials to step aside & several audit & investigations to be carried out in kamwenge, all this came in a meeting which was held in kamweng district on 10th/july/2013 & headed by the above minister with officials from PPDA, IGG, AUDITOR GENERAL, CID, DPP & Rwenzori anticorruption coalition! The issues were raised by Rwenzori anticorruption coalition(RAC) an NGO fighting corruption based in fortportal.

Friday, 17 May 2013


The four days training that started from Tuesday 14th- -17th .may.2013 at the  E-society center  Kamwenge District Headquarters attracted numerous participants from various departments among them we hard headteachers, subcounty accountants, clerk to council, procurement officers  secretaries and some Heads Of Departments
partcipants on a hands on trainning

Under the project title’ enhancing civic competence for social accountability”, Participants were trained in two shifts consecutively morning and evening whereby they were introduced to power point presentation, how to connect a projector and how to use internet for communication and making  online research.

Speaking to one of the participants Mr. Tumuhibise Edward Assistant procurement officer said that the training was beneficial “he has learnt more new skills which he did not have while at university and promised to be coming to the center for more practice.

Ms.kabarokole Aurelia  secretary for education also confessed that she had benefited a lot “the training had been beneficial to her she did not know how to connect a projector and how it  operates but now she has learnt  therefore giving credit to RIC-NET for their extending such services to the people of Kamwenge District .

ict incharge training a participant
At the End of the training 25(17males and 8 females) participants had been trained and had a hands on practical exams that proved that they had really gained from what they had been trained as they parted ways happily and promised to continue making practices wherever they will be.


Thursday, 2 May 2013


This was during an interface meeting for district leaders and the vulnerable group leaders that took place on Labour Day 1st .may. 2013 at Kamwenge District Headquarters in the education boardroom. Despite the down pour of heavy rains that rained till mid day, this did not stop participants from turning up in big numbers for the meeting. These included the District Chairperson LCV who was represented by his vice, District Speaker, Subcounty Chief Ntara, District Chairman for persons with disabilities, District Councilors Kamwenge Town Council And Ntara Sub county Chairman Youth , Secretary For Social Services among others.
In his opening remarks, MR Bwambale Geoffrey the program officer Karambi Action for life Improvement told participants to organize themselves in groups so as to advocate for their rights and access government programs for equal opportunities. Under the project; “ROEA104399 Enhancing civic competence to strengthen social accountability in 25 districts, 5 regions in Uganda”, RWECO conducted the Participatory Poverty Assessment in 5 districts of: Kasese, Kabarole, Bundibugyo, Kamwenge and Kyenjojo whose aim was  to assess the applicability of the national policy papers in achieving the social goals of service delivery and launched the policy briefs in the region to share the findings of the participatory assessment. Action point during the policy brief launch was to cascade the policy briefs for the vulnerable groups to make campaigns on issues that pertain to their livelihoods and service delivery.

Thus RWECO in partnership with KALI have embarked on mobilizing the vulnerable groups especially the PWD’s basing on the outcomes of the poverty assessment. The joint annual campaigns with district vulnerable groups on poverty eradication and service delivery monitoring  in Kamwenge district follows a training of leaders of vulnerable groups that was conducted in march 2013.

The Purpose of the Joint Campaigns with Vulnerable groups was to interface with Local government leaders and bring the plight of the poor vulnerable groups on the policy agenda and to mobilize and rally support of the district leaders for increasing budgets to vulnerable groups with specific focus PWD’s and SNE  in the district.
Issues raised by the participants

Mr. Sam mugisha the chairman of Kamwenge district advocacy group for PWD’s and other vulnerable groups presented a concept note which advocated for equal opportunities, data on PWD’S and meetings with other development partners at the different levels, in his presentation he cited out challenges faced  by PWD’s as;

§  Neglect of PWD’s in policy formulation and  implementation

§  Lack of empowerment and advocacy strategy in place to enable the vulnerable to voice out their issues

§  Ignorance of the disabled they are not aware of their rights

§  Low budget allocation for the PWD’s and the youths

§  Inaccessibility of the allocated funds especially the youths

Addition to the above, He said, Disability is not inability” citing out examples of PWD’s who have excelled in their career despite of being disabled, District speaker kayunga,woman Mp Koboko and the Head Of ICT Department Uganda Martyrs University Mbarara Campus.

Action points agreed upon during the meeting;

§  Advocating for the implementation of different articles and laws that promote the plight of people with disabilities and other marginalized groups

§  Sensitization of PWD’s to participate in budgeting, planning and resource allocations at different levels of local government.

§  Follow up on budget performance for the allocated funds to the PWD’s in a given financial year

§  Lobby and advocate for user friendly pavements on all public places

§  Identifying and funding talented PWD’s

§  Creating a rehabilitation center for PWD’s and orphans

§  Conducting integrated meetings between PWD’s and development partners on a quarterly basis

§  Support the building of a rehabilitation and resource center for PWD”s


Tibimpama Rovence the Vice Chairperson LCV who represented the District chairman in her remarks promised the involvement of people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in decision making forum such as budget formulation and policy advocacy for special considerations. She thanked RWECO/KALI for reawakening awareness campaign on policy advocacy for the vulnerable persons.

Radio talk show programme

To sum up everything the meeting ended up with a radio talk show at Voice of Kamwenge where the District Speaker, District Councilor People With Disabilities And The Chairman Advocacy For Vulnerable Groups In Kamwenge District discussed the outcomes of the meeting and sensitized the entire district to rally and support PWD’s at their different capacities.



Tuesday, 30 April 2013


This kicked off on Friday 19th2013 at Bigodi primary school in Bigodi parish busiriba sub county Kamwenge District
As the theme was “we conserve to develop”The event  attracted numerous citizens’ students from neighboring schools, and organizations dealing in world life conservation among these we had unite Africa,KAFRED, Uganda wild life conservation education center and various secondary and primary schools from within the spheres of bigodi.

Various activities took place at the event among which there was wild life art exhibitions, sack running, peeling, dressing competitions, and sighting of poems, football, and ruffle tickets singing, and dancing by students

Kamwenge District environmental officer Mr Magara Nicholas advised the people to promote conservation and enhance development within communities adjacent to kibale National park and kibale wetlands and thanked the people in the region for having developed and managed swamps which has attracted walk trails around magombe swamp for tourists to view primate birds, animals and peoples culture

Certificate of completion was awarded to the Head teacher Bigodi secondary school after a successful ICT training in computers related aspects by UCC representatives who had donated 42 computers to the school to help students and the community.
The guest of honor who was by the names of  Dr Gladys Kalema who called upon the old and the young; women and men to join hands to embrace living in harmony with nature among activities she performed was awarding of gifts to winners.

Monday, 8 April 2013


This took place on 3rd -5th April, 2013 in the education board room at Kamwenge district headquarters the three days training workshop organized by the SDS programme in partnership with Kamwenge district local government was attended to by sub county councilors, staff from medical department, heads of department and the other district staff.

SDS facilitating the session

Various issues where addressed to local government staff looking beyond the district revenue enhancement plan, implication of procurement practices on service delivery, social sector ordinance and bye laws and strengthening the LG role in the oversight of private health service provide

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


The meeting which had been organized by Rwenzori consortium for civic competence in partnership with karambi action for life improvement and members fromthe parliament took place on 28th /03/2013.
 The one day meeting organized in two places that is inNtara sub countyheadquarters and kamwenge town council in the catholic social hall attracted numerous citizens from the neighbouring villages of kicwamba,mahyoro,nyabani and the local government staffs.whereby
Residents of Kamwenge district who attended the consultative meeting on the Marriage and Divorce Bill asked the members of parliament to remove the clause of marital rape from the bill.
two honourable MP's Dorothy and Flavia
Speaker after speaker during a consultative meeting at Ntara sub-county headquarters by the Kamwenge woman MP Dorothy Kashaiza pointed out that the inclusion of  marital rape clause in the bill will cause more cases of domestic violence, she further noted that people are not sensitized on the types of marriages Article 26 of the Ugandan constitution allows every one irrespective of sex to own a property and most people especially women do not know their rights to owning properties .
One of the Residents Mr. Buswera kakwenzire a retired priest of Ntara Sub county said that marital rape  has to be excluded because it will be an advocacy for polygamy as men who will be punished by it will seek to marry other women and abandon their first wives.
Majority of the people said that there is nothing called marital rape in their families only that most couples have not been sensitized on the value of conjugal rights.
The residents of Kamwenge also recommended that parliament  should abolish the name bride price and replace it with marriage gifts because it has been realized that most parents have taken the marriage of their daughters as business.
YosintaKasembo, the vice Chairperson LC 3 of Ntara sub-county said that with the bride price being paid, the sons of the poor people will not marry the women of their choice because they cannot afford the demands of their in-laws.
the residents also called for the deletion of the cohabitation clause, the issue of Divorce and that widow inheritance should not be regulated by the government.
They also asked the MPs to increase the age of consent to marriage by a man and woman to twenty one years.
Also rejected by the people of Kamwenge is the title of the Bill as they urged that Divorce should not be included adding that it will be the cause of problems because it provides for the contentious issue of sharing property.
The Kamwenge woman MP Dorothy kashaizasaid that parliament will base on the majority recommendations on the different clause because every MP has been in their constituency carrying out consultations on the matter.
kyegeggwa woman mp flavia rwabuhoro
She was accompanied by the Kyegegwa Woman MP FlaviaKabehendaRwabuhorowho said that the church has failed to protect families a reason why the state has come in their main intention is not to promote divorce but to protect the masses from conflicts therefore calls upon religious  leaders to preach against divorce in her words she said "I have never divorced,never beaten and does not want to divorce at all".
She therefore  asked parents to always express love to their children so that they can be able to settle in their new families.

Monday, 25 February 2013


participants in a group photo with their facilitators
This took place on Saturday 23rd -24th February 2013 at Kamwenge Guest Home in Kamwenge District where by over 200 youths attended. The two days training youth camp which was jointly organized by Western Uganda Media Foundation in partnership with Western College of Commerce attracted different youths from various, tertiary institutions and secondary schools within and outside Kamwenge?

ICT incharge in a group photo with the members from the western media foundation
As the theme went ,developing a dream for life  the function was officiated by the vice president for Uganda Counseling Association Mrs. Mary Asiimwe Butamanya who advised the youth in a package which covered the following in order to make their dreams come true;

Self awareness, developing a dream for life, Counseling and guidance, Entrepreneurship skills, Environmental mainstreaming, building strong relationship and Social economic and political transformation.

students display their talents
The training which was characterized by drama groups, dancing, sighting poems, and goat roasting as the youth socialized and interacted together which brought a sence of togetherness amongst themselves.
Many participants were awarded certificates after a successfully training course as they parted way happily and joyful.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


One can say it is on record that  there has been limited will or slow pace of individuals to embrace and use ICTs in the Ruwenzori region and more so in kamwenge district.

Having been installed four months ago at Kamwenge district headquarters, a lot has been achieved and a total number of 800 users have been registered according to the records extracted from the user’s books.
students on practice

 As citizens continue to access the free services provided at the center, It has been reported that a number of individuals have utilized the center in different ways that’s they have used internet to communicate across the world which has improved communication and information sharing whereby the citizens have created new and renewed their email addresses. Again some district staff and the public have been trained in computer skills, Photocopying, scanning, printing documents and surfing therefore improving the life styles of the citizens. Appreciating the support of RIC-NET in extending such initiative to the citizen of Kamwenge.

                                                   Voice from the beneficiary
The E-society center has enabled me get quick information concerning Jobs which I have applied for online, my son Victor kaihura has been trained in elementary computer applications, have been able to access different newspapers online which has reduced my daily expenditure on buying newspapers and I have been able to create E-mail addresses for my family members.
I therefore compliment RIC-NET for extending the services to the Kamwenge

Thursday, 17 January 2013


h/teachers in agroup discussion

 This took place on date 14th -15th of January 2013 at kamwenge district headquarters in the education boardroom. The training which was attended to by headteachers of both government and private schools, deputies, teachers representative, board of governours and education department staff of kamwenge district.atotal number of  95 members turned up  from the 25 selected schools in various  subcounties within kamwenge district.

The DEO being oriented on how to use the new tool

The training was conducted  by the District Education Officer MR Eric Tumwiringire. And representatives from DEMIS by use of mobile phones as atool.The EMIS CODE REG(Single )EMIS CODE/number.EG REG 0102412325.  is generated by DEMIS  an AGILE learning company the tool which will be used in  tracking the teacher/pupil daily attendances and enrolment in school this  will assist both the H/teacher and the DEO in tracking teachers performance hence improvement in the teaching and learning sector in education

                                                       How it works


The head teacher s are required to send in their students/pupil and teacher daily attendance,by first registering his/her  school using his/her own mobile phone number.then the headteacher send the school number/code to DEMIS server after confirmation the process of reporting continues