Monday 4 November 2013


The meeting took place on Wednesday 23rd October.2013 at the district headquarters in the Deputy CAO’s office. Members who were present was the RIC-NET staffs headed by the Programmes Manager, Systems Administrator, Video Documentations Officer and the Center ICT Officer among others. On the part of the District, there was the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Finance Officer, District Speaker and also the District Executive Committee Member. The main concern of the meeting was to draw the road map of E-centres operations starting January 2014

And to discuss about the sustainability of the E-society resource center which is a community District ICT hub apoint that is used by citizens to access, share and disseminate information on local governance and service delivery using ICTs.

This HIVOS-EU funded "enhancing civic competence for social accountability" project that was set up on the 17th September 2012 under public private partnership strategy in Kamwenge district given its objectives of building resident capacity to disseminate information through the use of online resources, given the fact that every project is time bound, it was therefore important to note and lay strategies for the continued operation of this project that ends on 31st December 2013.The two parties embarked on seeing ways on how the center will be sustained.

PAS MR bahemuka levy

The Chief Administrative Officer said that the District is in the process of not only sustaining the center but rather this extending ICT facility and make it a department of its own and the District will recruit an ICT office r looking forward the budget estimates required to run the center for the year 2014 which totaled up to eleven million, eight hundred thousand (11,800,000). The two parties also embarked on how the budget is going to be cost shared as the District staffs committed to take up some items within the budget like monthly internet subscription and antivirus amounting to 2,300,000/= while RIC-NET committed to website hosting and updating as discussions went on Kamwenge.

D'speaker Gerald twebaze

 The District speaker Hon: Gerald Twebaze, promised to have further discussions in the council meetings for approval.

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