Saturday 30 July 2016

Petition against Kamwenge MP dismissed

KABAROLE. The High Court in Fort Portal has dismissed an election petition against the Kamwenge Woman MP, Ms Dorothy Azairwe Nshaija.
Court presided over by Justice Elizabeth Kabanda last Friday dismissed the petition filed by Ms Grace Ninsiima against Ms Nshaija for lack of enough evidence.
The petitioner alleged that Nshaija did not sit for Senior Four exams but used Dorothy’Azairwe’s papers.
“The 1st respondent proves she is the one and possesses minimum qualification of S.6 certificate to qualify as a member of parliament and there is no evidence to prove that she is not the one,” Justice Kabanda ruled.
“Having made due inquiry into the petition, I find election of woman MP Kamwenge District was valid and election was conducted according to electoral laws. So I dismiss this petition with no costs,” she ruled.
Later, outside court, Ms Nshaija told journalists: “That’s what I expected from the judgment because I went to school, I have been in Parliament for five years and the documents I presented to the Electoral Commission last time are the real ones I presented this time.”

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